Annual Review Clinic
By Appointment
Call us on 01702 538 800
We are pleased to share with you our 2021 Training Calendar. We will email Ingard Network Members and DA Brokers who have registered to receive communications from us, in the run-up to each event, inviting you to register and confirm your place. Additional training events and webinars will be added to this calendar throughout the course of the year, and we will contact you to inform you of any exciting new additions.
If you would like to join us for our Virtual Mortgage Clinics (small group training sessions), then please inform Neil on the below contact details at least 5 working days in advance of each session. These sessions are exclusively for Ingard Network Members.
Ingard Mortgage Clinics: Neil Mulhearn – 01702 538 818 or n.mulhearn@ingard.co.uk
During each Mortgage Clinic, you will have the opportunity to discuss existing cases, new enquiries, system queries or any other matters.
Online/Face to Face
By Appointment
Face to Face
Face to Face
Please take the time to record the dates of the Training events in your calendar. Ingard Compliance events (annotated on the calendar with *) are compulsory for Network members. If for any reason you are unable to attend one of these events, please make Louise Moores aware as soon as possible on l.moores@ingard.co.uk.