Secure Trust Bank launch 90% LTV semi-exclusive mortgage products

Secure Trust Bank has launched a semi-exclusive 90% LTV mortgage range available exclusively via a select few packagers, including Ingard’s own Specialist Team.

The 90% LTV products are available for purchases and remortgages on the STB1 product tier, with rates from 4.04% for a 2-year fixed rate with a £999 product fee and 4.39% for a 2-year fixed rate with no product fee. Click here to view product guide.

This is a fantastic offer for Brokers and their customers because Ingard charge no packaging fees on mortgage products and you earn an enhanced procuration fee by packaging the case through our Specialist Team.

Reasons to Consider Secure Trust Bank


  • No minimum period of employment
  • Consider 100% of income from second and subsequent jobs
  • Zero hour contracts considered
  • 50-100% of regular overtime, bonus and commission


  • Will use anticipated income in the right circumstances
  • Can use last year’s figures or an average, dependent on circumstances
  • Based on two year’s accounts but can consider less

Older Borrowers

  • Maximum age of 85 years at end of term
  • Proof of pension required if the applicant is retiring within the first 15 years of the mortgage term


  • Only require 3 month’s left on working contract
  • Up to 100% of income accepted for agency workers

Here to Help

For more information, call our Specialist Team on 01702 538 800 or arrange a call back.

These products are available on a packaged basis via Ingard’s Specialist Team. Unsure how to submit a packaged case to Ingard? Check out this short one-page guide.